# Advent of Code 2023 ## About This repository stores my solutions to the daily challenges of [Advent of Code Calendar 2023](https://adventofcode.com/2023/). ## Execution Any of the scripts can be executed directly using [NodeJS](https://nodejs.org/en/download/). **Example:** ```bash cd Day01/ node Part1.js ``` ## File explanation A single challenge consists of 3 files: - `input.txt`: My input data, as provided by AoC. - `Part1.js`: My solution to part 1 of the challenge. - `Part2.js`: My solution to part 2 of the challenge. Other special files: - [`template.js`](template.js): A template file to use when initializing a new challenge. - `sample.js`: Example or test code; Ignored by git (see [.gitignore](.gitignore)).