2024-04-11 10:09:32 +00:00
import { Keywords, Responses, sequelize } from '../../database.js';
import { Events, Message } from 'discord.js';
import { Op } from 'sequelize';
export const name = Events.MessageCreate;
/** @param {Message} message */
export async function execute(message) {
// Ignore direct messages and own messages
if (!message.inGuild() || message.author.id === process.env.CLIENT) return;
// Split message content into words
const words = message.content
.flatMap((word) => {
const without = word.replace(/[^\w\s]/g, '');
return without !== word ? [word, without] : word;
.filter((w, i, a) => a.indexOf(w) === i);
// Get guild keywords
/** @type {import('../../models/keywords.js').Keyword[]} */
const keywords = await Keywords.findAll({
where: {
guild: message.guildId,
name: {
[Op.in]: words
// Ignore if no keywords found
if (keywords.length === 0) return;
// Get guild responses
/** @type {import('../../models/responses.js').Response|null} */
const response = await Responses.findOne({
where: {
keyword: {
[Op.in]: keywords.map((keyword) => keyword.id)
order: sequelize.random()
// Ignore if no response found
if (response.length === null) return;
// Send response, selecting exactly one at random
await message.reply({
content: response.response,
allowedMentions: {
repliedUser: false
`[INFO] Responded to keyword with '${response.name}' in guild with ID '${message.guild.id}'.`