list keywords method

This commit is contained in:
Baipyrus 2024-04-04 20:33:31 +02:00
parent b44287a39e
commit cf1ea38344

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@ -146,7 +146,33 @@ async function removeResponse(interaction) {
/** @param {ChatInputCommandInteraction} interaction */
async function listResponse(interaction) {}
async function listResponse(interaction) {
// Get list of keywords from database
/** @type {import('../../models/keywords.js').Keyword[]} */
const keywords = await Keywords.findAll({
where: {
guild: interaction.guildId
// Abort if no keywords registered
if (keywords.length === 0) {
await interaction.reply({
content: 'No keywords have been registered yet!',
ephemeral: true
// Join list of keyword names
const joined = =>'\n- ');
// Reply with list of keywords
await interaction.reply({
content: `List of known keywords:\n- ${joined}`,
ephemeral: true
/** @param {ChatInputCommandInteraction} interaction */
async function infoResponse(interaction) {}