import { SlashCommandBuilder, PermissionFlagsBits } from 'discord.js'; import { Role } from '../../../database.js'; export const data = new SlashCommandBuilder() .setName('member_roles') .setDMPermission(false) .setDefaultMemberPermissions(PermissionFlagsBits.ManageRoles) .setDescription('Assigns roles to new members.') .addSubcommand((subcommand) => subcommand .setName('add') .setDescription('Registers a role to be assigned to new members.') .addRoleOption((option) => option .setName('role') .setDescription('The role to assign to new members.') .setRequired(true) ) ) .addSubcommand((subcommand) => subcommand .setName('remove') .setDescription('Unregisters a role from new member assignment.') .addRoleOption((option) => option .setName('role') .setDescription('The role to unregister from assignmment.') .setRequired(true) ) ); /** @param {ChatInputCommandInteraction} interaction */ export async function execute(interaction) { const { options } = interaction; // Get command options const role = options.getRole('role'); switch (options.getSubcommand()) { case 'add': // Search for role in database const found = await Role.findOne({ where: { id: } }); // Toggle role assignment if found if (found) { found.assign = true; await; // Otherwise create new database entry } else await Role.create({ id:, assign: true }); // Reply successfully to acknowledge command await interaction.reply({ content: 'Successfully registered role.', ephemeral: true });`[INFO] Registered role to be assigned with ID '${}'.`); break; case 'remove': // Remove role from database const count = await Role.destroy({ where: { id:, assign: true } }); // Set reply based on result of deletion let response = 'Successfully removed'; if (count === 0) response = 'Failed to remove'; // Reply to acknowledge command await interaction.reply({ content: `${response} role from new member assignment!`, ephemeral: true });`[INFO] Removed role to be assigned with ID '${}'.`); break; } }