import { ChannelType, PermissionFlagsBits, SlashCommandBuilder, ChatInputCommandInteraction } from 'discord.js'; import { Guilds, VoiceChannels } from '../../database.js'; export const data = new SlashCommandBuilder() .setName('custom_vc') .setDMPermission(false) .setDescription('Manages reactions for self roles.') .setDefaultMemberPermissions(PermissionFlagsBits.ManageChannels) .addSubcommand((subcommand) => subcommand .setName('create') .setDescription('Creates new voice channel.') .addStringOption((option) => option .setName('name') .setRequired(true) .setDescription('The name to use for the voice channel.') ) ) .addSubcommand((subcommand) => subcommand .setName('register') .setDescription('Registers an existing voice channel for custom channel creation.') .addChannelOption((option) => option .setRequired(true) .setName('channel') .addChannelTypes(ChannelType.GuildVoice) .setDescription('The voice channel to be used.') ) ) .addSubcommand((subcommand) => subcommand .setName('remove') .setDescription('Remove a voice channel from custom channel creation.') .addChannelOption((option) => option .setRequired(true) .setName('channel') .addChannelTypes(ChannelType.GuildVoice) .setDescription('The voice channel to be unregistered.') ) ); /** @param {ChatInputCommandInteraction} interaction */ export async function execute(interaction) { const { guild, options } = interaction; /** @type {string} */ let step; const guildData = { id: }; try { switch (options.getSubcommand()) { case 'create': { // Get channel name from user input const name = options.getString('name'); step = 'create'; // Create new channel const channel = await guild.channels.create({ name, type: ChannelType.GuildVoice }); step = 'save'; // Create guild if not exists await Guilds.findOrCreate({ where: guildData, defaults: guildData }); // Save channel data await VoiceChannels.create({ id:, guild:, create: true }); // Reply success to acknowledge command await interaction.reply({ content: `Successfully created channel!`, ephemeral: true });`[INFO] New custom VC created with ID '${}'.`); break; } case 'register': { // Get channel id from user input const { id } = options.getChannel('channel'); step = 'save'; // Create guild if not exists await Guilds.findOrCreate({ where: guildData, defaults: guildData }); // Save channel data await VoiceChannels.create({ id, guild:, create: true }); // Reply success to acknowledge command await interaction.reply({ content: `Successfully registered channel!`, ephemeral: true });`[INFO] New custom VC registered using ID '${id}'.`); break; } case 'remove': { // Get channel id from user input const { id } = options.getChannel('channel'); // Remove channel from guild step = 'remove'; const count = await VoiceChannels.destroy({ where: { id, create: true } }); // Set reply based on result of deletion let response = 'Successfully removed'; if (count === 0) response = 'Failed to remove'; // Reply to acknowledge command await interaction.reply({ content: `${response} channel from custom channel creation!`, ephemeral: true });`[INFO] Removed custom VC with ID '${id}'.`); break; } } } catch (error) { console.error(error); // Reply failed to acknowledge command await interaction.reply({ content: `Failed to ${step} channel!`, ephemeral: true }); } }