import { ModalBuilder, TextInputBuilder, ActionRowBuilder, SlashCommandBuilder, PermissionFlagsBits, ModalSubmitInteraction, AutocompleteInteraction, ChatInputCommandInteraction, TextInputStyle } from 'discord.js'; import { Guilds, Keywords, Responses } from '../../database.js'; /** @param {ChatInputCommandInteraction} interaction */ async function createResponse(interaction) { const { options } = interaction; // Get command options const keyword = options.getString('keyword'); // Abort if keyword already exists or is empty /** @type {import('../../models/keywords.js').Keyword|null} */ const found = await Keywords.findOne({ where: { guild: interaction.guildId, name: keyword } }); // Reply with error if (found !== null || !keyword) { await interaction.reply({ content: 'Invalid parameters or keyword already exists!', ephemeral: true }); return; } // Create guild if not exists const guildData = { id: interaction.guildId }; await Guilds.findOrCreate({ where: guildData, defaults: guildData }); // Create new keyword await Keywords.create({ guild: interaction.guildId, name: keyword }); // Reply successfully to acknowledge command await interaction.reply({ content: `Keyword for '${keyword}' successfully created!`, ephemeral: true });`[INFO] Keyword for '${keyword}' successfully created.`); } /** @param {ChatInputCommandInteraction} interaction */ async function addResponse(interaction) { const { options } = interaction; // Get command options const current = options.getString('keyword'); // Abort if keyword doesn't exist /** @type {import('../../models/keywords.js').Keyword|null} */ const found = await Keywords.findOne({ where: { guild: interaction.guildId, name: current } }); // Reply with error if (found === null) { await interaction.reply({ content: 'Keyword has not been registered yet!', ephemeral: true }); return; } const modal = new ModalBuilder().setCustomId('response-pair').setTitle('Response Content'); const keyword = new ActionRowBuilder().addComponents( new TextInputBuilder() .setLabel('The keyword this command is run for.') .setStyle(TextInputStyle.Short) .setCustomId('keyword') .setRequired(true) .setValue(current) ); const name = new ActionRowBuilder().addComponents( new TextInputBuilder() .setLabel('The name of the response.') .setStyle(TextInputStyle.Short) .setCustomId('name') .setRequired(true) ); const response = new ActionRowBuilder().addComponents( new TextInputBuilder() .setLabel('The data to respond with.') .setStyle(TextInputStyle.Paragraph) .setCustomId('response') .setRequired(true) ); modal.addComponents(keyword, name, response); await interaction.showModal(modal); } /** @param {ChatInputCommandInteraction} interaction */ async function removeKeyword(interaction) { const { options } = interaction; // Get command options const keyword = options.getString('name'); // Try deleting keyword from database await Keywords.destroy({ where: { guild: interaction.guildId, name: keyword } }); // Reply with success await interaction.reply({ content: `Keyword '${keyword}' was successfully deleted!`, ephemeral: true }); } /** @param {ChatInputCommandInteraction} interaction */ async function removeResponse(interaction) { const { options } = interaction; // Get command options const keyword = options.getString('keyword'); const name = options.getString('name'); // Find keyword in database /** @type {import('../../models/keywords.js').Keyword|null} */ const found = await Keywords.findOne({ where: { guild: interaction.guildId, name: keyword } }); // Abort if keyword not found if (found === null) { await interaction.reply({ content: 'Unknown keyword was specified!', ephemeral: true }); return; } // Try deleting response from database await Responses.destroy({ where: { keyword:, name } }); // Reply with success await interaction.reply({ content: `Response with name '${name}' was successfully deleted!`, ephemeral: true }); } /** @param {ChatInputCommandInteraction} interaction */ async function listResponse(interaction) { // Get list of keywords from database /** @type {import('../../models/keywords.js').Keyword[]} */ const keywords = await Keywords.findAll({ where: { guild: interaction.guildId } }); // Abort if no keywords registered if (keywords.length === 0) { await interaction.reply({ content: 'No keywords have been registered yet!', ephemeral: true }); return; } // Join list of keyword names const joined = =>'\n- '); // Reply with list of keywords await interaction.reply({ content: `List of known keywords:\n- ${joined}`, ephemeral: true }); } /** @param {ChatInputCommandInteraction} interaction */ async function responseInfos(interaction) { const { options } = interaction; // Get command options const keyword = options.getString('keyword'); const name = options.getString('name'); // Find keyword in database /** @type {import('../../models/keywords.js').Keyword|null} */ const found = await Keywords.findOne({ where: { guild: interaction.guildId, name: keyword } }); // Abort if keyword not found if (found === null) { await interaction.reply({ content: 'Unknown keyword was specified!', ephemeral: true }); return; } // Find response in database /** @type {import('../../models/responses.js').Response|null} */ const response = await Responses.findOne({ where: { keyword:, name } }); // Abort if response not found if (response === null) { await interaction.reply({ content: 'Unknown response was specified!', ephemeral: true }); return; } // Reply with success await interaction.reply({ content: `Response with name '${name}' has data of \`${response.response}\`!`, ephemeral: true }); } /** @param {ChatInputCommandInteraction} interaction */ async function keywordInfos(interaction) { const { options } = interaction; // Get command options const keyword = options.getString('name'); // Find keyword in database /** @type {import('../../models/keywords.js').Keyword|null} */ const found = await Keywords.findOne({ where: { guild: interaction.guildId, name: keyword } }); // Abort if keyword not found if (found === null) { await interaction.reply({ content: 'Unknown keyword was specified!', ephemeral: true }); return; } // Get list of responses from database /** @type {import('../../models/responses.js').Response[]} */ const responses = await Responses.findAll({ where: { keyword: } }); // Abort if no responses registered if (responses.length === 0) { await interaction.reply({ content: 'No responses have been registered yet!', ephemeral: true }); return; } // Join list of responses const joined = =>'\n- '); // Reply with list of responses await interaction.reply({ content: `List of responses for ${keyword}:\n- ${joined}`, ephemeral: true }); } /** @param {AutocompleteInteraction} interaction */ async function keywordAutocomplete(interaction, focused) { const { options, guildId } = interaction; // Get command options if (!focused) focused = options.getFocused(); // Get list of keywords from database /** @type {import('../../models/keywords.js').Keyword[]} */ const keywords = await Keywords.findAll({ where: { guild: guildId } }); // Filter total list of keywords const filtered = keywords.filter((choice) =>; // Respond with possible suggestions await interaction.respond( => ({ name:, value: }))); } /** * @param {AutocompleteInteraction} interaction * @param {string} focused */ async function completeResponses(interaction, focused) { const { options, guildId } = interaction; // Get command options const keyword = options.getString('keyword'); // Get keyword /** @type {import('../../models/keywords.js').Keyword} */ const found = await Keywords.findOne({ where: { guild: guildId, name: keyword } }); // Get list of responses from database /** @type {import('../../models/responses.js').Response[]} */ const responses = found === null ? [] : await Responses.findAll({ where: { keyword: } }); // Filter total list of responses const filtered = responses.filter((choice) =>; // Respond with possible suggestions await interaction.respond( => ({ name:, value: }))); } /** @param {AutocompleteInteraction} interaction */ async function responseAutocomplete(interaction) { const { options } = interaction; // Get command options const focused = options.getFocused(true); const { name, value } = focused; switch (name) { case 'keyword': keywordAutocomplete(interaction, value); break; case 'name': completeResponses(interaction, value); break; } } export const data = new SlashCommandBuilder() .setName('response') .setDMPermission(false) .setDefaultMemberPermissions(PermissionFlagsBits.ManageMessages) .setDescription('Event based responses to specific messages with keywords.') .addSubcommand((subcommand) => subcommand .setName('create') .setDescription('Creates a new event based response.') .addStringOption((option) => option .setName('keyword') .setDescription('The keyword to trigger the response.') .setRequired(true) ) ) .addSubcommand((subcommand) => subcommand .setName('add') .setDescription('Registers a response to a keyword.') .addStringOption((option) => option .setName('keyword') .setDescription('The keyword to trigger the response.') .setAutocomplete(true) .setRequired(true) ) ) .addSubcommandGroup((group) => group .setName('remove') .setDescription('Unregisters a response or a keyword.') .addSubcommand((subcommand) => subcommand .setName('keyword') .setDescription('Deletes a keyword completely.') .addStringOption((option) => option .setName('name') .setDescription('The keyword to be deleted.') .setAutocomplete(true) .setRequired(true) ) ) .addSubcommand((subcommand) => subcommand .setName('response') .setDescription('Unregisters a response of a keyword.') .addStringOption((option) => option .setName('keyword') .setDescription('The keyword that would trigger the response.') .setAutocomplete(true) .setRequired(true) ) .addStringOption((option) => option .setName('name') .setDescription('The name of the data to be removed.') .setAutocomplete(true) .setRequired(true) ) ) ) .addSubcommand((subcommand) => subcommand.setName('list').setDescription('Lists all registered keywords.') ) .addSubcommandGroup((group) => group .setName('info') .setDescription('Lists information about a response or a keyword.') .addSubcommand((subcommand) => subcommand .setName('keyword') .setDescription('Lists registered responses of a keyword.') .addStringOption((option) => option .setName('name') .setDescription('The keyword to be shown the details of.') .setAutocomplete(true) .setRequired(true) ) ) .addSubcommand((subcommand) => subcommand .setName('response') .setDescription('Lists the data being sent by a response.') .addStringOption((option) => option .setName('keyword') .setDescription('The keyword that would trigger the response.') .setAutocomplete(true) .setRequired(true) ) .addStringOption((option) => option .setName('name') .setDescription('The name of the data to be listed.') .setAutocomplete(true) .setRequired(true) ) ) ); /** @param {ModalSubmitInteraction} interaction */ export async function modalSubmit(interaction) { const { fields } = interaction; // Get text inputs from modal const keyword = fields.getTextInputValue('keyword'); const response = fields.getTextInputValue('response'); const name = fields.getTextInputValue('name').toLowerCase(); // Get id of keyword /** @type {import('../../models/keywords.js').Keyword} */ const found = await Keywords.findOne({ where: { name: keyword } }); // Abort if response exists if ( (await Responses.findOne({ where: { keyword:, name } })) !== null ) { await interaction.reply({ content: `Response with name '${name}' already exists!`, ephemeral: true }); return; } // Create new response data with keyword attached await Responses.create({ keyword:, name, response }); // Reply with success await interaction.reply({ content: `Successfully registered '${name}' as response to '${keyword}'!`, ephemeral: true }); } /** @param {AutocompleteInteraction} interaction */ export async function autocomplete(interaction) { const { options } = interaction; const command = options.getSubcommand(); const group = options.getSubcommandGroup(); const joined = group === null ? command : `${group} ${command}`; switch (joined) { case 'info keyword': case 'remove keyword': await keywordAutocomplete(interaction); break; case 'info response': case 'remove response': await responseAutocomplete(interaction); break; case 'add': keywordAutocomplete(interaction); break; } } /** @param {ChatInputCommandInteraction} interaction */ export async function execute(interaction) { const { options } = interaction; const command = options.getSubcommand(); const group = options.getSubcommandGroup(); const joined = group === null ? command : `${group} ${command}`; switch (joined) { case 'create': createResponse(interaction); break; case 'add': addResponse(interaction); break; case 'remove keyword': removeKeyword(interaction); break; case 'remove response': removeResponse(interaction); break; case 'list': listResponse(interaction); break; case 'info keyword': keywordInfos(interaction); break; case 'info response': responseInfos(interaction); break; } }