2023-11-03 20:54:08 +01:00

48 lines
1.7 KiB

-- user options
local options = {
port = 'fissionReactorLogicAdapter',
name = 'Fission Reactor',
compact = true,
channels = 10,
timeout = 15
-- initialize client library
-- generate print responsee message
function generate_message(width, component, buffer)
-- read fission values
local a_raw = component.getStatus()
local d_raw = component.getDamagePercent()
local w_raw = component.getWasteFilledPercentage()
local h_raw = component.getHeatedCoolantFilledPercentage()
local f_raw = component.getFuelFilledPercentage()
local c_raw = component.getCoolantFilledPercentage()
local t_raw = component.getTemperature()
local r_raw = component.getActualBurnRate()
-- format and align reactor status
message_aligned(buffer, 'Status....:', a_raw and 'ACTIVE' or 'OFFLINE', width)
message_aligned(buffer, 'Damage....:', format_percent(options, d_raw, false), width)
-- format and align reactor internal battery
message(buffer, '\n')
message_aligned(buffer, 'Waste.....:', format_percent(options, w_raw), width)
message_aligned(buffer, 'Heated....:', format_percent(options, h_raw), width)
-- format and align fuel fill
message(buffer, '\n')
message_aligned(buffer, 'Fuel......:', format_percent(options, f_raw), width)
message_aligned(buffer, 'Coolant...:', format_percent(options, c_raw), width)
-- format and align temperature and burnrate
message(buffer, '\n')
message_aligned(buffer, 'Reactor T.:', format_temp(options, t_raw), width)
message_aligned(buffer, 'Burnrate..:', format_liquid(options, r_raw, true), width)
-- run main program
run_client(options, {
print = generate_message