framerate control and better coloring

This commit is contained in:
Baipyrus 2022-05-19 21:52:10 +02:00
parent 6bd7dd94bc
commit 8d46466fdf

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@ -16,22 +16,25 @@ cellsW and cellsH must be an uneven number because we always need to skip 1 (= t
final int cellsW = 15 * 3; // cells in 1 row
final int cellsH = 9 * 3; // cells in 1 col
final int cellsW = 15 * 3 * 3; // cells in 1 row
final int cellsH = 9 * 3 * 3; // cells in 1 col
final int cellAmount = cellsW * cellsH; // total cells
ArrayList<Cell> Cells = new ArrayList<Cell>();
float scaleW = -1, scaleH = -1; // Width and Height of a Cell
ArrayList<Cell> path = new ArrayList<Cell>(); // Current path from Start to currentCell
Cell currentCell; // Cell currently being processed
Cell currentCell, inBetween; // Cell currently being processed
ArrayList<Cell> solved; // Solved Path from start to finish
boolean isDone = false; // Finish declarator
Cell start, finish;
int normalFPS = 60;
int slowmoFPS = 5;
void setup() {
// Initialize Cells in order
for (int y = 0; y < cellsH; y++) {
@ -50,7 +53,15 @@ void setup() {
scaleW = (float) width / cellsW;
scaleH = (float) height / cellsH;
void mousePressed() {
void mouseReleased() {
void draw() {
@ -64,6 +75,7 @@ void draw() {
isDone = true;
// Save Cells for coloring
@ -72,6 +84,8 @@ void draw() {
// The actual Algorithm step by step of the generation.
currentCell.state = true;
if (inBetween != null)
inBetween.state = true;
ArrayList<Cell> neighbors = currentCell.getNeighbors();
if (neighbors.size() > 0) {
// If Cell has Neighbors, choose a random one,
@ -80,8 +94,7 @@ void draw() {
int randomIndex = floor(random(neighbors.size()));
Cell next = neighbors.get(randomIndex);
Cell inBetween = next.getBetween(currentCell);
inBetween.state = true;
inBetween = next.getBetween(currentCell);
@ -92,21 +105,15 @@ void draw() {
} else {
// If no neighbors that are "dead" exist, backtrack to find some
if (path.size() > 0) {
currentCell = path.get(path.size()-1);
// For-Each loop to display all cells
for (Cell c : Cells) {
color col = (c.state) ? color(0) : color(255); // Set color according to state
if (c == finish) { col = color(0,255,0); }; // Set Goal to Green
if (c == start && currentCell != start) { col = color(255,0,0); }; // Set Goal to Green
if (c == savedCells.get(0)) { col = color(0,0,255); }; // Set current Cell to Blue
if (c == savedCells.get(savedCells.size()-1)) { col = color(255,0,0); }; // Set chosen Neighbor to Red
if (c == finish) { col = color(0,255,0); }; // Set Goal to Green
if (c == start) { col = color(255,0,0); }; // Set Start to Red
if (c == savedCells.get(0) && !isDone) { col = color(0,0,255); }; // Set current Cell to Blue
if (c == currentCell && savedCells.size() > 1) { col = color(255,0,0); }; // Set chosen Neighbor to Red
// Set other Neighbors to Yellow
for (int i = 1; i < savedCells.size()-1; i++) {
if (c == savedCells.get(i)) {
@ -138,12 +145,23 @@ void draw() {
float px = path.get(i+1).x * scaleW + scaleW/2;
float py = path.get(i+1).y * scaleH + scaleH/2;
line(cx, cy, px, py);
if (i==path.size()-2 && path.get(i+1)!=savedCells.get(0)) {
float ccx = savedCells.get(0).x * scaleW + scaleW/2;
float ccy = savedCells.get(0).y * scaleH + scaleH/2;
line(ccx, ccy, px, py);
// If no neighbors that are "dead" exist, backtrack to find some
if (path.size() > 0 && neighbors.size() == 0 && savedCells.size() == 1) {
currentCell = path.get(path.size()-1);
// Display Framerate
text(nfs(frameRate, 2, 2),24,24);