better/more comments

This commit is contained in:
Baipyrus 2023-01-13 12:37:25 +01:00
parent a11b93480d
commit d4f648fd53
2 changed files with 61 additions and 14 deletions

View File

@ -1,18 +1,32 @@
function cmd_help() {
return "You need help? Sucks to be you! Hahahahaha";
// Display 'help' message
return "Commands list:<br>" +
" -about Information about this website<br>"+
" -clear Clear terminal screen<br>" +
" -exec Execute arbitrary math and logic equations";
function cmd_about() {
// Display 'about' message
return "This website is based on the general idea and design of a terminal.<br>" +
"It serves the purpose of a homepage. It exists just for the fun of creating it.";
function cmd_clear() {
// Clear terminal by reloading page
return "";
function cmd_exec(input) {
// No input was given
if (input === undefined)
return "You must enter parameters!";
// Input contains letters or invalid characters
const str = input.join(' ');
if (/[',:;a-zA-Z]/.test(str) || str === "")
return "Invalid input!";
// Input is inside of character range with exceptions
const chars = str.split('').filter(e => {
const code = e.charCodeAt(0);
const s = code === 32;
@ -22,7 +36,9 @@ function cmd_exec(input) {
const d = code === 124;
return !(s || a && b || c || d);
// If exceptions remain, invalid input was given
if (chars.length > 0)
return "Invalid input!";
// Execute input and return output
return (new Function(`return ${str}`))();

View File

@ -1,32 +1,39 @@
const pretext = " ";
let startPosition = 0;
// Initiating variables
const length = pretext.length+1;
let startPosition = length;
let cursorPosition = 0;
let cursorYOffset = 7;
// Initiating constants
const tbDiv = document.getElementById("textbox");
const length = pretext.length+1;
startPosition = length;
cursorPosition = 0;
const textIn = document.getElementById("input");
const textCur = document.getElementById("current");
const cursor = document.getElementById("cursor");
// Initial cursor offset = `translate(${length-1}ch,${2.222*7-0.4}ch)`;
// Handle user input
textIn.oninput = () => {
const text = textCur.textContent;
// If cursor at end of text
if (cursorPosition === text.length)
textCur.textContent += textIn.value;
else {
// Insert input at cursor position
const left = text.substring(0, cursorPosition);
const right = text.substring(cursorPosition, text.length);
textCur.textContent = left + textIn.value + right;
// Increment by input length
cursorPosition += textIn.value.length;
textIn.value = "";
// If no ranged selection was made, focus on input field
document.addEventListener("selectionchange", e => {
if ( !== textIn) {
const selection = window.getSelection();
@ -80,26 +87,32 @@ document.addEventListener("keydown", e => {
// Run command and return output???
let commandOutput = runCommand(text);
tbDiv.innerHTML += `<br>`;
// Run command and return output
let commandOutput = runCommand(text);
if (commandOutput !== "") {
// If output is given, display it as text with formatting
tbDiv.append(createText(commandOutput, false))
tbDiv.innerHTML += `<br>`;
// Offset cursor by at least one line, and as many more as there are line breaks
cursorYOffset += commandOutput.split("<br>").length;
// Add new pretext to terminal
tbDiv.innerHTML += pretext;
textCur.textContent = "";
// Add elements on top of div
// Reset variables
textCur.textContent = "";
cursorPosition = 0;
case "ArrowUp":
// Einen Befehl zurück in der History
case "ArrowDown":
// Einen Befehl nach vorne in der History
@ -110,38 +123,56 @@ document.addEventListener("keydown", e => {
function createText(str) {
// Create an 'a' element with input string as its contents
function createText(str, safe=true) {
const link = document.createElement("a"); = "lightgrey";
link.textContent = str;
// No "HTML injection"
if (safe)
link.textContent = str;
// "Anything goes" and keep formatting
else { = "pre";
link.innerHTML = str;
return link;
// Run input as command if possible
function runCommand(input) {
let output = "";
// Go through properties of window
for (const func in window) {
const splits = func.split("cmd_");
// If property is prefixed with 'cmd_' (a 'command', so an executable function)
if (splits.length === 2) {
const name = splits[1];
// If command is called without parameters
if (input.toLowerCase() === name.toLowerCase()) {
output = window[func]();
// If command is called with parameters
} else if (input.startsWith(name + " ")) {
output = window[func](input.split(" ").filter((e,i)=>i!==0));
// Parameters always follow the command name after first space
const params = input.split(" ").filter((e,i)=>i!==0);
output = window[func](params);
// Return command output
return output;
// Update cursor position based on coordinates
function updateCursor() {
let cursor = document.getElementById("cursor"); = `translate(${startPosition+cursorPosition-1}ch, ${2.222*cursorYOffset-0.4}ch)`;
// Toggle cursor visibility
setInterval(()=>{ = !parseInt(;