replace builtin install method with web request to app installer

This commit is contained in:
Baipyrus 2024-11-25 11:23:03 +01:00
parent 24b6d1f115
commit 4ce997d016

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@ -1,12 +1,18 @@
function InstallWinget
# Reference:
$progressPreference = 'silentlyContinue'
Write-Host "Installing WinGet PowerShell module from PSGallery..."
Install-PackageProvider -Name NuGet -Force | Out-Null
Install-Module -Name Microsoft.WinGet.Client -Force -Repository PSGallery | Out-Null
Write-Host "Using Repair-WinGetPackageManager cmdlet to bootstrap WinGet..."
$download = ''
$setup = "$env:TMP\winget_setup.msixbundle"
if (-not (Test-Path $setup))
$releases = Invoke-RestMethod $download
$assets = $releases | Select-Object -ExpandProperty "assets"
$installer = $assets | Where-Object "name" -Match "msixbundle"
$url = $installer | Select-Object -ExpandProperty "browser_download_url"
Invoke-RestMethod $url -OutFile $setup
Add-AppxPackage -Path $setup
function WingetInstall