return { -- add catppuccin { "catppuccin/nvim", opts = { integrations = { cmp = true, dashboard = true, gitsigns = true, indent_blankline = { enabled = true }, mason = true, markdown = true, mini = true, native_lsp = { enabled = true, underlines = { errors = { "undercurl" }, hints = { "undercurl" }, warnings = { "undercurl" }, information = { "undercurl" }, }, }, semantic_tokens = true, telescope = true, treesitter = true, which_key = true, }, }, keys = { { "tt", function() vim.cmd.colorscheme(vim.o.background == "dark" and "catppuccin-latte" or "catppuccin-mocha") end, desc = "[T]oggle [T]heme", }, }, }, -- Configure LazyVim to load catppuccin { "LazyVim/LazyVim", opts = { colorscheme = "catppuccin-mocha", }, }, }