-- [[ Setting options ]] -- See `:help vim.opt` -- NOTE: You can change these options as you wish! -- For more options, you can see `:help option-list` -- Set display language vim.api.nvim_exec2('language en_US', {}) -- Shell options -- Sets the shell to use for system() and ! commands vim.o.shell = 'powershell.exe' vim.o.shellcmdflag = '-NonInteractive -NoLogo -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Command ' vim.o.shellxquote = '' vim.o.shellquote = '' vim.o.shellredir = '2>&1 | Out-File -Encoding UTF8 %s' vim.o.shellpipe = '2>&1 | Out-File -Encoding UTF8 %s' -- Format settings -- Make line numbers default vim.o.nu = true vim.o.relativenumber = true -- Indenting vim.o.tabstop = 4 vim.o.softtabstop = 4 vim.o.shiftwidth = 4 vim.o.expandtab = true -- Line wrap vim.o.wrap = false -- Enable mouse mode, can be useful for resizing splits for example! vim.o.mouse = 'a' -- Don't show the mode, since it's already in status line vim.o.showmode = false -- Sync clipboard between OS and Neovim. -- Remove this option if you want your OS clipboard to remain independent. -- See `:help 'clipboard'` vim.o.clipboard = 'unnamedplus' -- Enable break indent vim.o.breakindent = true -- Save undo history vim.o.undofile = true -- Case-insensitive searching UNLESS \C or capital in search vim.o.ignorecase = true vim.o.smartcase = true -- Keep signcolumn on by default vim.o.signcolumn = 'yes' -- Decrease update time vim.o.updatetime = 250 vim.o.timeoutlen = 300 -- Configure how new splits should be opened vim.o.splitright = true vim.o.splitbelow = true -- Sets how neovim will display certain whitespace in the editor. -- See :help 'list' -- and :help 'listchars' vim.o.list = true vim.o.listchars = { tab = '» ', trail = '·', nbsp = '␣' } -- Preview substitutions live, as you type! vim.o.inccommand = 'split' -- Show which line your cursor is on vim.o.cursorline = true -- Minimal number of screen lines to keep above and below the cursor. vim.o.scrolloff = 8 -- vim: ts=2 sts=2 sw=2 et