/* Warnings: - You are about to drop the `Post` table. If the table is not empty, all the data it contains will be lost. */ -- DropTable PRAGMA foreign_keys=off; DROP TABLE "Post"; PRAGMA foreign_keys=on; -- CreateTable CREATE TABLE "Event" ( "id" INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, "date" TEXT NOT NULL, "time" TEXT NOT NULL, "location" TEXT NOT NULL ); -- CreateTable CREATE TABLE "Auftrag" ( "id" INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, "title" TEXT NOT NULL, "ticket" TEXT, "eventID" INTEGER NOT NULL, "published" BOOLEAN NOT NULL DEFAULT false, "authorId" INTEGER NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT "Auftrag_eventID_fkey" FOREIGN KEY ("eventID") REFERENCES "Event" ("id") ON DELETE RESTRICT ON UPDATE CASCADE, CONSTRAINT "Auftrag_authorId_fkey" FOREIGN KEY ("authorId") REFERENCES "User" ("id") ON DELETE RESTRICT ON UPDATE CASCADE ); -- CreateIndex CREATE UNIQUE INDEX "Auftrag_eventID_key" ON "Auftrag"("eventID");