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@ -1,27 +1,28 @@
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using rpi_rgb_led_matrix_sharp;
namespace RPI_Matrix {
public static class RPI_Matrix {
// Initialize variables
private static int debugIndex;
private static bool debugMenu, debugSelect;
private static bool hasSelected, isInGame, isTetris, isFlappy, isSnake;
private static bool selection = true, focusHeight, focusGravity, focusJump, isFocused;
private static List<string> gamepadListeners = new();
private static int selectionIndex, keypressFrame, frameCount;
private static bool hasSelected, isInGame, isTetris, isFlappy, isSnake;
private static bool selection = true, isFocused, focusHeight, focusGravity, focusJump, focusLength;
public static void Main() {
public static void Main(string[] args) {
// Connect to RGB LED Matrix
RGBLedMatrix matrix = new(
new RGBLedMatrixOptions {
HardwareMapping = "adafruit-hat",
LimitRefreshRateHz = 0,
GpioSlowdown = 4,
Brightness = 100,
ChainLength = 1,
ScanMode = 1,
GpioSlowdown = 5,
ChainLength = 3,
Parallel = 3,
Rows = 64,
Cols = 64,
@ -33,10 +34,10 @@ namespace RPI_Matrix {
Tetris.Tetris.Init(matrix, canvas);
// Start listening and interpreting Gamepad input in parallel
(new Thread(InterpretGamepadInput)).Start();
new Thread(InterpretGamepadInput).Start();
// Initialize Text-Font and -Color
RGBLedFont font = new("fonts/5x8.bdf");
RGBLedFont font = new("fonts/9x18B.bdf");
Color col = new(255, 255, 255);
// Game Menu
@ -49,15 +50,15 @@ namespace RPI_Matrix {
while (selection) {
// Display Games and Cursor on Matrix
canvas.DrawText(font, 0, 8, col, "Spielauswahl:");
canvas.DrawText(font, 0, 24, col, " ) SnakeGame");
canvas.DrawText(font, 0, 32, col, " ) FlappyBird");
canvas.DrawText(font, 0, 40, col, " ) Tetris");
canvas.DrawText(font, 0, 56, col, " ) Einstell.");
canvas.DrawText(font, 0, 64, col, " ) Beenden");
canvas.DrawText(font, 0, 18, col, "Spielauswahl:");
canvas.DrawText(font, 0, 54, col, " ) SnakeGame");
canvas.DrawText(font, 0, 72, col, " ) FlappyBird");
canvas.DrawText(font, 0, 90, col, " ) Tetris");
canvas.DrawText(font, 0, 126, col, " ) Einstellungen");
canvas.DrawText(font, 0, 144, col, " ) Beenden");
// Cursor is a '#' at (0, 24 + i * 8) where i may be [0, 1, 2, 3, 5]
int nx = selectionIndex + ((selectionIndex >= 3) ? 1 : 0);
canvas.DrawText(font, 0, 24 + nx * 8, col, "#");
canvas.DrawText(font, 0, 54 + nx * 18, col, "#");
canvas = matrix.SwapOnVsync(canvas);
// Handle key presses for selecting a game
@ -87,7 +88,7 @@ namespace RPI_Matrix {
switch (selectionIndex) {
case 0:
// Start SnakeGame in Singleplayer
case 1:
// Start FlappyBird
@ -133,7 +134,7 @@ namespace RPI_Matrix {
selection = false;
// Initialize Text-Font and -Color
RGBLedFont font = new("fonts/5x8.bdf");
RGBLedFont font = new("fonts/9x18B.bdf");
Color col = new(255, 255, 255);
// Game selection Menu
@ -141,20 +142,23 @@ namespace RPI_Matrix {
while (debugMenu) {
// Display Games and Cursor on Matrix
canvas.DrawText(font, 0, 8, col, "Tetris:");
canvas.DrawText(font, 0, 16, col, $" ) PTB Logo {(Tetris.Tetris.ptbLogo ? "I" : "O")}");
canvas.DrawText(font, 0, 24, col, "FlappyBird:");
canvas.DrawText(font, 0, 32, col, $" ) Höhe {FlappyBird.FlappyBird.spaceHeight}");
canvas.DrawText(font, 0, 40, col, $" ) Grav. {FlappyBird.FlappyBird.gravity}");
canvas.DrawText(font, 0, 48, col, $" ) Spr. {FlappyBird.FlappyBird.jumpVel}");
canvas.DrawText(font, 0, 64, col, " ) Zurück");
canvas.DrawText(font, 0, 18, col, "Tetris:");
canvas.DrawText(font, 0, 36, col, $" ) PTB Logo {(Tetris.Tetris.ptbLogo ? "I" : "O")}");
canvas.DrawText(font, 0, 54, col, "FlappyBird:");
canvas.DrawText(font, 0, 72, col, $" ) Höhe {FlappyBird.FlappyBird.spaceHeight}");
canvas.DrawText(font, 0, 90, col, $" ) Gravitation {FlappyBird.FlappyBird.gravity}");
canvas.DrawText(font, 0, 108, col, $" ) Sprung Ges. {FlappyBird.FlappyBird.jumpVel}");
canvas.DrawText(font, 0, 126, col, "SnakeGame");
canvas.DrawText(font, 0, 144, col, $" ) Basis Länge {SnakeGame.SnakeGame.baseLength}");
canvas.DrawText(font, 0, 180, col, " ) Zurück");
// Cursor is a '#' at (0, 24 + i * 8) where i may be [0, 2]
int nx = debugIndex;
if (debugIndex >= 1) nx++;
if (debugIndex >= 4) nx++;
if (debugIndex >= 5) nx++;
canvas.DrawText(font, 0, 16 + nx * 8, col, "#");
canvas.DrawText(font, 0, 36 + nx * 18, col, "#");
canvas = matrix.SwapOnVsync(canvas);
// Handle key presses for selecting a game
@ -167,7 +171,7 @@ namespace RPI_Matrix {
case ConsoleKey.DownArrow:
if (debugIndex < 1)
if (debugIndex < 5)
case ConsoleKey.Enter:
@ -200,6 +204,11 @@ namespace RPI_Matrix {
isFocused = true;
case 4:
// Go back to menu
focusLength = true;
isFocused = true;
case 5:
// Go back to menu
debugMenu = false;
@ -212,11 +221,12 @@ namespace RPI_Matrix {
private static void playSnakeGame(string arg) {
private static void playSnakeGame(string arg = "") {
// Set Game identification variables and start playing SnakeGame
isSnake = true;
isInGame = true;
selection = false;
SnakeGame.SnakeGame.players = gamepadListeners;
SnakeGame.SnakeGame.Main(new[] { arg });
@ -237,10 +247,35 @@ namespace RPI_Matrix {
private static void InterpretGamepadInput() {
// Read file "/dev/input/js0" in Raspbian for Raspberry 4 4GB.
// Read file "/dev/input/js*" in Raspbian for Raspberry 4 4GB.
// All inputs on a Gamepad are accessible from within here.
// Interpreting this data may only work in this program using a SNES Controller.
FileInfo targetFile = new FileInfo("/dev/input/js0");
while (true) {
string dir = "/dev/input/";
IEnumerable<string> files = from retrieved in Directory.EnumerateFiles(dir)
where retrieved.Contains("js")
select retrieved;
foreach (string f in files) {
string name = f.Replace(dir, "");
if (!gamepadListeners.Contains(name)) {
new Thread(() => {
try {
WatchInputFile(dir, f);
catch (Exception) {
private static void WatchInputFile(string dir, string file) {
FileInfo targetFile = new FileInfo(file);
using FileStream fs = targetFile.Open(FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite);
// Initialize Buffer (byte Array) to put read bytes into
byte[] buffer = new byte[1024];
@ -253,156 +288,177 @@ namespace RPI_Matrix {
// And do it again in SnakeGame while it's playing.
else if (isSnake && !SnakeGame.SnakeGame.gameOver)
SnakeGame.SnakeGame.keypressFrame = SnakeGame.SnakeGame.frameCount;
// Convert Buffer to Hexadecimal, each Byte separated by a '-'
switch (BitConverter.ToString(buffer, 4, 4)) {
case "01-00-01-00":
// Code for X-Button Press
if (isTetris)
case "01-00-01-01":
// Code for A-Button Press
// If not already in a Game, now ready up to select one.
if (!isInGame)
hasSelected = true;
// Select given option in Tetris' 'GameOver' Screen
else if (isSnake && SnakeGame.SnakeGame.selection)
else if (isFlappy && FlappyBird.FlappyBird.selection)
else if (isTetris && Tetris.Tetris.selection)
debugSelect = true;
case "01-00-01-02":
// Code for B-Button Press
if (isFlappy) {
// Jump
if (FlappyBird.FlappyBird.isReady)
// Start Game
FlappyBird.FlappyBird.isReady = true;
// Place the current Block in Tetris
} else if (isTetris)
else if (!isSnake) {
focusGravity = false;
focusHeight = false;
focusJump = false;
isFocused = false;
case "01-00-01-04":
// Code for L-Button Press
// If in Tetris, rotate the current Block counter-Clockwise
if (isTetris)
case "01-00-01-05":
// Code for R-Button Press
// If in Tetris, rotate the current Block Clockwise
if (isTetris)
case "01-00-01-09":
// Code for Start-Button Press
// If in SnakeGame, end the Game and return to menu
if (isSnake)
else if (isFlappy) {
// If in FlappyBirds' 'ready' Screen, return to menu
if (!FlappyBird.FlappyBird.isReady)
FlappyBird.FlappyBird.stopPlaying = true;
// Otherwise go back to 'ready' Screen by ending the Game
else {
FlappyBird.FlappyBird.selection = false;
// If in Tetris, end the Game and return to menu
} else if (isTetris)
case "01-80-02-01":
// Code for Arrow-Up Press
// If in the selection screen, decrement index
if (!isInGame && selectionIndex > 0)
else if (isSnake) {
// Handle index in 'GameOver' Screen
if (SnakeGame.SnakeGame.selection && SnakeGame.SnakeGame.selectionIndex > 0)
// If in SnakeGame, Steer the Snake upwards
// If in Tetris and in Tetris' 'GameOver' Screen, decrement its index.
} else if (isTetris && Tetris.Tetris.selection && Tetris.Tetris.selectionIndex > 0)
else if (isFlappy && FlappyBird.FlappyBird.selection &&
FlappyBird.FlappyBird.selectionIndex > 0)
else if (focusGravity)
FlappyBird.FlappyBird.gravity += 0.01f;
else if (focusHeight && FlappyBird.FlappyBird.spaceHeight < 58)
FlappyBird.FlappyBird.spaceHeight += 1;
else if (focusJump)
FlappyBird.FlappyBird.jumpVel += 0.01f;
else if (debugIndex > 0 && !isFocused)
case "FF-7F-02-01":
// Code for Arrow-Down Press
// If in the selection screen, decrement index
if (!isInGame && selectionIndex < 4)
// If in SnakeGame, Steer the Snake downwards
else if (isSnake) {
// Handle index in 'GameOver' Screen
if (SnakeGame.SnakeGame.selection && SnakeGame.SnakeGame.selectionIndex < 1)
// If in SnakeGame, Steer the Snake downwards
// If in Tetris and in Tetris' 'GameOver' Screen, decrement its index.
} else if (isTetris)
// If in Tetris and in Tetris' 'GameOver' Screen, increment its index.
if (Tetris.Tetris.selection && Tetris.Tetris.selectionIndex < 1)
// Otherwise, move Tetris piece down
else if (isFlappy && FlappyBird.FlappyBird.selection && FlappyBird.FlappyBird.selectionIndex < 1)
else if (focusGravity && FlappyBird.FlappyBird.gravity > 0)
FlappyBird.FlappyBird.gravity -= 0.01f;
else if (focusHeight && FlappyBird.FlappyBird.spaceHeight > 2)
FlappyBird.FlappyBird.spaceHeight -= 1;
else if (focusJump && FlappyBird.FlappyBird.jumpVel > 0)
FlappyBird.FlappyBird.jumpVel -= 0.01f;
else if (debugIndex < 4 && !isFocused)
case "01-80-02-00":
// Code for Arrow-Left Press
// If in SnakeGame, Steer the Snake to the left
if (isSnake)
// If in Tetris, move current Block to the left
else if (isTetris)
case "FF-7F-02-00":
// Code for Arrow-Right Press
// If in SnakeGame, Steer the Snake to the right
if (isSnake)
// If in Tetris, move current Block to the right
else if (isTetris)
Delegate method = BitConverter.ToString(buffer, 4, 4) switch {
"01-00-01-00" => XButtonPressed,
"01-00-01-01" => AButtonPressed,
"01-00-01-02" => BButtonPressed,
"01-00-01-04" => LButtonPressed,
"01-00-01-05" => RButtonPressed,
"01-00-01-09" => StartButtonPressed,
"01-80-02-01" => UpArrowButtonPressed,
"FF-7F-02-01" => DownArrowPressed,
"01-80-02-00" => LeftArrowPressed,
"FF-7F-02-00" => RightArrowPressed,
_ => (string player) => {}
// Execute function mapped by buffer/button press as current player
method.DynamicInvoke(file.Replace(dir, ""));
private static void RightArrowPressed(string player) {
// Code for Arrow-Right Press
// If in SnakeGame, Steer the Snake to the right
if (isSnake) SnakeGame.SnakeGame.SteerRight(SnakeGame.SnakeGame.snakes[player]);
// If in Tetris, move current Block to the right
else if (isTetris) Tetris.Tetris.moveRightSide();
private static void LeftArrowPressed(string player) {
// Code for Arrow-Left Press
// If in SnakeGame, Steer the Snake to the left
if (isSnake) SnakeGame.SnakeGame.SteerLeft(SnakeGame.SnakeGame.snakes[player]);
// If in Tetris, move current Block to the left
else if (isTetris) Tetris.Tetris.moveLeftSide();
private static void DownArrowPressed(string player) {
// Code for Arrow-Down Press
// If in the selection screen, decrement index
if (!isInGame && selectionIndex < 4)
// If in SnakeGame, Steer the Snake downwards
else if (isSnake) {
// Handle index in 'GameOver' Screen
if (SnakeGame.SnakeGame.selection && SnakeGame.SnakeGame.selectionIndex < 1)
// If in SnakeGame, Steer the Snake downwards
else SnakeGame.SnakeGame.SteerDown(SnakeGame.SnakeGame.snakes[player]);
// If in Tetris and in Tetris' 'GameOver' Screen, decrement its index.
else if (isTetris)
// If in Tetris and in Tetris' 'GameOver' Screen, increment its index.
if (Tetris.Tetris.selection && Tetris.Tetris.selectionIndex < 1)
// Otherwise, move Tetris piece down
else Tetris.Tetris.moveDownOnce();
else if (isFlappy && FlappyBird.FlappyBird.selection && FlappyBird.FlappyBird.selectionIndex < 1)
else if (focusGravity && FlappyBird.FlappyBird.gravity > 0)
FlappyBird.FlappyBird.gravity -= 0.01f;
else if (focusHeight && FlappyBird.FlappyBird.spaceHeight > 2)
FlappyBird.FlappyBird.spaceHeight -= 1;
else if (focusJump && FlappyBird.FlappyBird.jumpVel > 0)
FlappyBird.FlappyBird.jumpVel -= 0.01f;
else if (focusLength && SnakeGame.SnakeGame.baseLength > 0)
SnakeGame.SnakeGame.baseLength -= 1;
else if (debugIndex < 5 && !isFocused)
private static void UpArrowButtonPressed(string player) {
// Code for Arrow-Up Press
// If in the selection screen, decrement index
if (!isInGame && selectionIndex > 0)
else if (isSnake) {
// Handle index in 'GameOver' Screen
if (SnakeGame.SnakeGame.selection && SnakeGame.SnakeGame.selectionIndex > 0)
// If in SnakeGame, Steer the Snake upwards
else SnakeGame.SnakeGame.SteerUp(SnakeGame.SnakeGame.snakes[player]);
// If in Tetris and in Tetris' 'GameOver' Screen, decrement its index.
else if (isTetris && Tetris.Tetris.selection && Tetris.Tetris.selectionIndex > 0)
else if (isFlappy && FlappyBird.FlappyBird.selection && FlappyBird.FlappyBird.selectionIndex > 0)
else if (focusGravity)
FlappyBird.FlappyBird.gravity += 0.01f;
else if (focusHeight && FlappyBird.FlappyBird.spaceHeight < 58)
FlappyBird.FlappyBird.spaceHeight += 1;
else if (focusJump)
FlappyBird.FlappyBird.jumpVel += 0.01f;
else if (focusLength)
SnakeGame.SnakeGame.baseLength += 1;
else if (debugIndex > 0 && !isFocused)
private static void StartButtonPressed(string player) {
// Code for Start-Button Press
// If in SnakeGame, end the Game and return to menu
if (isSnake)
else if (isFlappy) {
// If in FlappyBirds' 'ready' Screen, return to menu
if (!FlappyBird.FlappyBird.isReady)
FlappyBird.FlappyBird.stopPlaying = true;
// Otherwise go back to 'ready' Screen by ending the Game
else {
FlappyBird.FlappyBird.selection = false;
// If in Tetris, end the Game and return to menu
else if (isTetris)
private static void RButtonPressed(string player) {
// Code for R-Button Press
// If in Tetris, rotate the current Block Clockwise
if (isTetris) Tetris.Tetris.rotateClockwise();
private static void LButtonPressed(string player) {
// Code for L-Button Press
// If in Tetris, rotate the current Block counter-Clockwise
if (isTetris) Tetris.Tetris.rotateCounterClockwise();
private static void BButtonPressed(string player) {
// Code for B-Button Press
if (isFlappy) {
// Jump
if (FlappyBird.FlappyBird.isReady)
// Start Game
else FlappyBird.FlappyBird.isReady = true;
// Place the current Block in Tetris
else if (isTetris)
else if (!isSnake) {
focusGravity = false;
focusLength = false;
focusHeight = false;
focusJump = false;
isFocused = false;
private static void AButtonPressed(string player) {
// Code for A-Button Press
// If not already in a Game, now ready up to select one.
if (!isInGame)
hasSelected = true;
// Select given option in Tetris' 'GameOver' Screen
else if (isSnake && SnakeGame.SnakeGame.selection)
else if (isFlappy && FlappyBird.FlappyBird.selection)
else if (isTetris && Tetris.Tetris.selection)
else debugSelect = true;
private static void XButtonPressed(string player) {
// Code for X-Button Press
if (isTetris) Tetris.Tetris.swapMemory();